Living In Flow


Join us and Align with Your Soul

Creating Grace and Ease for everyone. Flowing with what presents for individuals and humanity. Clearing the resistance, fear, anger, grief, beliefs, patterns and more. Bringing you into alignment with your higher heart levels. 

Trust, love, abundance …or better 

Some of the topics we have had in the past: 

  • New Year, New Energy, New You, Releasing old patterns, beliefs and clearing space for this new glorious energy that is upon us. Clear, Embody, Integrate higher vibratory levels while the architectural aspects of you merge, marry or move on
  • (National Green Juice day)So what is your diet for 2024? Let’s clear the shenanigans around body image, all the programming, beliefs, patterns, and more. Everything is energy, how to embody self love and eat a huge portion of prana. Honor thy temple
  •  Is it Imposter Syndrome or is it Higher Guidance? What is meant for you to do and experience will always feel calm, clear, and natural. When we force things it can feel chaotic and confusing. It can be meant for you however the divine timing may be off. vanity? Confidence? Faking it to make it? Or is it flowing in
  • Do you experience anxiety? We are clearing the demands that create these experiences and giving you tools to assist yourself in any moment.
  • Plant the seed and let it be, no struggle. What is asking to awaken with you?
  • Do you experience weird physical symptoms? Do complete strangers come up and tell you deep meaningful things? Join us for some explanations and an incredible DNA activation
  • Do you experience lack, not feeling enough, unlovable, and more? Clearing lifetimes of survival energy so you can live with grace, ease and flow