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Virtual Assistant

Contact Kaayla

I have somebody I want you to meet

Hi Beautiful,

Please give a warm welcome to my amazing Virtual Assistant, my Geek Goddess Genius, Crystal Horton. Some of you may know her and some of you may be meeting her for the first time.

She is an amazing advanced being and has lovingly joined the team to assist in getting things running smoothly.

I love hearing from you and I know that by bringing Crystal onto the team I will be able to assist you in the highest possible way.

With my calendar filling up with sessions and an overwhelming number of text messages, email messages, and Facebook messages it has become very difficult for me to respond to you in the way I know you deserve.

Crystal will now be taking over all the social media traffic including Facebook Messages, she will also be screening any email and forwarding questions for me to respond to in a timely manner.

You can jump onto Juicy Spiritual Conversations to ask questions or start a conversation.  Please don’t text as we will no longer be responding to text messages. Thank you for your understanding. 

Crystal, I love you and see the amazingness that you be.

I love and appreciate you so much.

Love Bombs,